Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Coined originally by Guattari and Deleuze, who spliced the front off of Schizophrenia and stuck it in front of analysis. Defined as "the analysis of the incidence of Dispositions [agencements] of enunciation upon semiotic and subjective productions, in a given problematic context."

I get the feeling that Guattari and Deleuze are not that precise, because a lot of terms they use, and the language that they employ, are all just variations of the same point. They are trying to transform convention... make a thing that is very possibly ugly and monstrous, and yet can peform a function. I think it's only ugly and monstrous because the thought and logic used in its construction are so alien to convention. For after all, they are combined together at the bidding of a random thought.

We have to train ourselves to not be afraid of such things... because we really don't KNOW that they're bad until we've tried them.

"The point is that a rhizome or multiplicity never allows itself to be overcoded, never has available a supplementary dimension over and above its number of lines" -- a rhizome is the opposite of a reduction, it is an expansion without limit and does not restrict its lens to any specific window. The rhizome is a tangled mass of connections that extends infinitely in all directions.

No limits!

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